Thursday, December 31, 2009

Krautrockin' All New Year's Eve!

I think every one of my friends know that in addition to being kinky, and lazy, that I'm also something of a wannabe musician and kind of a failed artist. I've played drums(and a wee bit of guitar) off and on for a good deal of my life, and I do a little sculpting and modern art(yes the pretentious kind) on the side.

As a result of this combination my musical tastes aren't really for everybody and tend to run from rockabily to hardcore to hip-hop without a lot of care. But my big thing, and my favorite genre as a whole is krautrock.

Artisty, loud, avant-garde, cool, and wild. Krautrock's the type of stuff that moves the inner-performance artist inside of me. So I figured bands like Faust, Amon Duul II(Who's ultra-smokin' hot singer Renate Knaup graces the page) Can, Kraftwerk, Neu!, and Ashra will be burning up at my home come new years eve.

People may cover their ears if they wish.

P.S. If anybody's actually interested in the music itself? Take looksie at this badass BBC documentary done on it here:

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