Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 8

Chapter 8: Plots are hatched, drama unfolds, and one gets a fraction of a tiger's past

(Special note: Sorry I'm a wee bit late, work, computer issues, and other matters got me distracted. All's well now so let the games continue!!)

Ga'Ja at this moment would have enjoyed nothing more than heading in the opposite direction from Shakti, with the love potion in hand, and her difficulties with Morgana settled. Sadly the smoke collar around her neck caused problems with this. Every where the witch went, Ga'Ja's feet seemed to follow, as if her mind would not allow her any thoughts of fleeing, and any small order Shakti gave Ga'Ja seemed to have a hard time resisting. Damn magik users! And damn their tricks and curses! Ga'Ja was a prisoner, just as much as when she was bound to the bed. The two made their way through the Magic Quarter, moving through the bustling crowds of gawkers and tourists, merchants and wizards that all crowded along the road over the grand citadel of the Mage's Guild(which according to Patriarch Constantinos was far grander than the keep of the Emperor himself..something that was still hotly contested) selling their wares, putting on shows, and making more noise than Ga'Ja could possibly enjoy.

"Shakti I hate to be overly forward, but the idea of you risking your life, and by extention mine only so that you can get into somebody's pants is perhaps the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in my life...and I mean that in a very caring way." The cat girl said as she sullenly followed the witch along the path. Shakti for her part merely adjusted her hat, bit her lip, and continued walking forward with her broom in hand. Ga'Ja's words stung though, and it wasn't the first insults that had escaped the Kamrai's lips that day. Frankly Shakti getting tired of the insults and her normally upbeat demeanor was starting to vanish. "Look I don't expect a furry, uncouth barbarian to understand the ins and outs of love..but this effects me deeply, and rips at my heart." Shakti said looking over her shoulder at the cat woman who merely sighed.

"That's rather dramatic.." Ga'Ja said as she followed closely behind Shakti. She wasn't any less angry, but seeing the girl look at her with that hurt expression didn't make her feel any less than a bitch. "Of course it is to you. Your a barbarian, and one who for the most part seems to possess a rather black heart." Shakti said hoping that would deliver a nice low blow to Ga'Ja. It didn't, or at least Shakti couldn't tell because the kamrai showed no signs of hurt. That is until she walked up next to Shakti. "Your wrong about that, and about other things as well." Ga'Ja said softly and with no venom "I know a lot about lost love, and about the hurt it causes..maybe even more than you." Ga'Ja said as she continued the pace. And while she showed no pain, or hurt, Shakti knew just from her voice that the feline was aching quietly.

"Oh I'm..uhh..sorry." Shakti said feeling rather unpleasant and rather petty at the moment. Ga'Ja for her part shrugged "Don't be, she did try and kill me years ago." Ga'Ja replied as she ran her hands through her hair and walked in front of the witch who paused.

"Her?" Shakti whispered getting an odd series of thoughts in her head.

Morgana sat at her favorite table, in her favorite resturant, ordered her favorite lunch, and then thought about the news of the day. First thing she had heard that morning was that a bar that was under her protection was burnt to the ground, and that several well-armed strangers had perished inside. That along was disturbing enough for her, but now Fatimah's reports and questioning suggested that much of the blame could be laid at the feet of none other than Ga'Ja, who not only seemed to have started the sitution, but perhaps also double-crossed Morgana by stealing the potion herself with the help of an assistant. Naturally the drow was somewhat cautious about jumping to too many conclusions just on eye-witnesses and their shifty descriptions. But still there was too much oddness not to do at least some investigating. Which was why Morgana had given one simple order to her troops "Bring Ga'Ja in..and keep the injuries minor."

1 comment:

  1. I think Ga'Ja could escape if she really wanted to. Which means.....? Shakti is acting like a typical love sick teenager. I hope you have a really nasty surprise for her involving Tirana. Misunderstandings with Morgana - deadly for someone. The story continues to move along at a delightful clip. I am already impatient for the next installment.
