Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 8

Chapter 8: Plots are hatched, drama unfolds, and one gets a fraction of a tiger's past

(Special note: Sorry I'm a wee bit late, work, computer issues, and other matters got me distracted. All's well now so let the games continue!!)

Ga'Ja at this moment would have enjoyed nothing more than heading in the opposite direction from Shakti, with the love potion in hand, and her difficulties with Morgana settled. Sadly the smoke collar around her neck caused problems with this. Every where the witch went, Ga'Ja's feet seemed to follow, as if her mind would not allow her any thoughts of fleeing, and any small order Shakti gave Ga'Ja seemed to have a hard time resisting. Damn magik users! And damn their tricks and curses! Ga'Ja was a prisoner, just as much as when she was bound to the bed. The two made their way through the Magic Quarter, moving through the bustling crowds of gawkers and tourists, merchants and wizards that all crowded along the road over the grand citadel of the Mage's Guild(which according to Patriarch Constantinos was far grander than the keep of the Emperor himself..something that was still hotly contested) selling their wares, putting on shows, and making more noise than Ga'Ja could possibly enjoy.

"Shakti I hate to be overly forward, but the idea of you risking your life, and by extention mine only so that you can get into somebody's pants is perhaps the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in my life...and I mean that in a very caring way." The cat girl said as she sullenly followed the witch along the path. Shakti for her part merely adjusted her hat, bit her lip, and continued walking forward with her broom in hand. Ga'Ja's words stung though, and it wasn't the first insults that had escaped the Kamrai's lips that day. Frankly Shakti getting tired of the insults and her normally upbeat demeanor was starting to vanish. "Look I don't expect a furry, uncouth barbarian to understand the ins and outs of love..but this effects me deeply, and rips at my heart." Shakti said looking over her shoulder at the cat woman who merely sighed.

"That's rather dramatic.." Ga'Ja said as she followed closely behind Shakti. She wasn't any less angry, but seeing the girl look at her with that hurt expression didn't make her feel any less than a bitch. "Of course it is to you. Your a barbarian, and one who for the most part seems to possess a rather black heart." Shakti said hoping that would deliver a nice low blow to Ga'Ja. It didn't, or at least Shakti couldn't tell because the kamrai showed no signs of hurt. That is until she walked up next to Shakti. "Your wrong about that, and about other things as well." Ga'Ja said softly and with no venom "I know a lot about lost love, and about the hurt it causes..maybe even more than you." Ga'Ja said as she continued the pace. And while she showed no pain, or hurt, Shakti knew just from her voice that the feline was aching quietly.

"Oh I'm..uhh..sorry." Shakti said feeling rather unpleasant and rather petty at the moment. Ga'Ja for her part shrugged "Don't be, she did try and kill me years ago." Ga'Ja replied as she ran her hands through her hair and walked in front of the witch who paused.

"Her?" Shakti whispered getting an odd series of thoughts in her head.

Morgana sat at her favorite table, in her favorite resturant, ordered her favorite lunch, and then thought about the news of the day. First thing she had heard that morning was that a bar that was under her protection was burnt to the ground, and that several well-armed strangers had perished inside. That along was disturbing enough for her, but now Fatimah's reports and questioning suggested that much of the blame could be laid at the feet of none other than Ga'Ja, who not only seemed to have started the sitution, but perhaps also double-crossed Morgana by stealing the potion herself with the help of an assistant. Naturally the drow was somewhat cautious about jumping to too many conclusions just on eye-witnesses and their shifty descriptions. But still there was too much oddness not to do at least some investigating. Which was why Morgana had given one simple order to her troops "Bring Ga'Ja in..and keep the injuries minor."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 7

Chapter 7: Partners?

In the myths and legends of yore, spells of desire and love happened to be some of the greatest treasures one could find. The ability to make a person love you regardless of anything was almost as powerful a motivator for adventure as the quest for immortal life, or riches beyond even the greatest kings. All happened to be rare, and all happened to be fought over. And among these prized charms love potions themselves happened to be near the top of the heap. One could only make them with tears from broken-hearted virgin demons(themselves being a rare wonder) and one drop in somebody's food would make that person utterly inraptured with the first living thing they saw.
Naturally that in itself was enough for Shakti who desired only the most simple things in life and among them was the love of somebody special. Ga'Ja on the other hand had several mixed feelings on the matter. The upside was that it could make her enough money to keep the kamrai in wine, gavleh, and dancing girls for the rest of her life. The downside was that holding on to it would most likely get them killed in ways both quick and painless, and slow and painful. Love potions dispite their seemingly romantic natures happened to be more favored as weapons, and means to advance in politics than anything else, which usually meant violent people searched for them, and violent people usually in the end posessed them.(Indeed two such queens of Dalcada came into their stations due to love potions) Sadly at this moment, chained to the bed and gagged that she was Ga'Ja really could put no argmuent forth to Shakti, who at this moment gazed longingly at the item.

"It makes sense now after studying this item, why people would want to kill you over it." Shakti said gazing ito the green liquid . Ga'Ja gave a helpful nod even as she lay helpless. Of course Shakti didn't know that others had already been killed, others that happened to be more lethal warriors than she. "Mghmfhdmfh..." Ga'Ja moaned jiggling the cuffs that held her trapped wrists and Shakti looked up from the potion. "Are..are you calm now?" Shakti asked nervously "Because I really mean no harm, and you know I don't want to hurt you, and I'm sorry for your situation now, and I only wanted to..." Ga'Ja interrupted the witch's nervous apologizes by rattling the cuffs more. "Okay, okay.." Shakti said as she walked over to the bed and pulled the gag away from Ga'Ja's mouth. "My dear witch if you honestly think posessing that potion is a good idea, then please let me tell you that it's an insanely bad one." Ga'Ja said as politely as she could. "I know the dangers, I know the problems, but don't worry I'm not going to be careless here." Shakti said and Ga'Ja took a nice long laugh and laid her head back down. "Look I hate to sound insulting here, but some of the others looking fort his item are a group of dangerous assassins led by a legendary sadist named Ingrid Du'Lac, and the criminal underworld of Dalcada which as you know is led by one Morgana Le Chance who once cut a man's head off because he sang off-key." Ga'Ja said looking straight at Shakti who seemed to rattle around these thoughts in her head. "Furthermore I'm sure enough time has passed to allow every single rogue mage, love struck nobleman, idiotic adventurer, and psychotic criminal enough time to find out about this potion and come to kill you for it." Ga'ja finished as Shakti nervously bit her lip.

It was working and Ga'Ja knew it. Shakti was seeing the insanity of this excersise and would realize the best bet was to let somebody like Ga'Ja handle it. "What..what would you do then?" Shakti asked the cat-girl on the bed. "I'd take it and toss it in the river, then lay low for a few months." Ga'Ja said lying..after all her intention was to take it back to Morgana who perhaps wouldn't demand Ga'Ja's flaying. Shakti thought about this option for a second and knelt down near Ga'Ja's ear. "Ipis ra..' Shakti whispered and without warning Ga'Ja could feel something form around her neck. It weighed heavy, yet was light as air at the same time, and looking down Ga'Ja could see a faint outline of a ring around her neck. "That's a collar of binding.." Shakti whispered as the catgirl moaned. "It'll force you to go where I go, and help me if I need help." Shakti said holding the potion firmly in her hands. "You little witch!" Ga'Ja shouted struggling even harder in the chains before Shakti put her hand on the kamrai's shoulder. "I'm going to free you, and I'm going to do your idea." Shakti said in a calm voice hoping to stifle the cat's fury. "I just want to see somebody first, and once I'm done we can go our own ways." She said before flashing a pleasant smile to the Kamrai. "So how does that deal sound?" Shakti asked almost nervously at the figure on the bed, who for her part sighed and shut her eyes. "Yeah I'll help you." Ga'Ja mumbled as Shakti walked to get the lock for the chains.

Well I'll help you now." Ga'Ja thought to herself wondering when Shakti would give her the oppurtunity to grab the potion and dart away. Shakti meanwhile was pondering something else, like "Can this really make Tirana's heart belong to me?"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 6

Chapter 6: A little tied up

Fatimah watched the Slobbering Griffin burn with an expression that radiated utter calm and a total lack of anger, or worry. The statusqe green amazon stood in the street, her cloak drapped around her, the jaunty brimmed hat she favored resting on her mane of jet black hair, and pondered to herself how this situation could have exploded so quickly. It was just a potion, and yet a group of mercenaries lay dead in an alley, a bar was on fire, a group of possible assassins happened to still be on the loose in the city, and that bitch Ga'Ja was missing in action. Fatimah loved mistress Le Chance but her faith(however small) in that Kamrai was misplaced, and Fatimah just knew she'd have to clean up her mess..if only she knew where to find the stray cat.

When Ga'Ja woke up her first thought was that even for the hells this place was a dump. Parchments, trinkets, maps, jars, and various other brick-a-brack lay scattered and Ga'Ja had to wonder if the underworld was all this pathatic. Then slowly she began to fully come to her senses, and realize that oddly(and against all logic) that she was alive and in somebody else's room...along with the green potion that was sitting right at a table at the end of the bed. Ga'Ja had to give a small prayer of thanks and attempted to sit up, only to find that her hands seemed to be rooted to a spot over her head. Her cat-like eyes went wide and she realized that somebody had taken a pair of handcuffs and pulled them between the bars of the bedpost over her head before locking them around Ga'Ja's wrists. She pulled, and flexed, and bucked and arched her back, but no matter what she couldn't get the handcuffs off and to her ever growing horror found that her feet had been spread as well, and locked to the bedposts at the foot of the bed. Ga'Ja roared as she struggled seeing the prize she'd been after so close. Whoever did this was going to die.

Shakti opened the door and walked into the room carrying a large bag. "Oh thank the gods your alive!" Shakti exclaimed as she walked into the room happily "I was worried that the healing potions I had here wouldn't be good enough to stop the poisons but it looks like they worked!" She continued merrily. "I'm chained to a bed though." Ga'Ja said looking at the girl blankly, and wondering about the hand of fate that put her at the mercy of the drunken witch. "Well you did threaten me, and after what you did to those bouncers and thugs I didn't want to take a chance that you'd hurt me." Shakti said still smiling that infectious smile, and all Ga'Ja wanted to do was punch her. "Look..ummm..what's your name?" Ga'Ja tried to ask politely and Shakti put her hand on her hat. "Shakti Utana! Witch-in-training and professional palm reader,and professional serving wench." The woman said politely and Ga'Ja gave her a fake smile "Well Shakti, my name is Ga'Ja and can you do me a favor now that we know each other?" The were-cat asked softly.
"Sure." Shakti replied walking over closer to the bed. "LETMEGO!!!" Ga'Ja shrieked as she started thrashing around on the bed and Shakti almost tumbled over in a panic. "Hey! Would you calm down for Gods sake? I'll let you out so long as you promise not to kill me." Shakti said and Ga'Ja growled "If YOU DON'T LET ME GO I'LL KILL YOU!" the were-cat growled as her green eyes became small slits. Shakti weighed her options, studied the screaming cat-woman, and did what she thought was best.

A few minutes later Ga'Ja was still letting out muffled swears from the cloth rapped around her mouth, and Shakti was bandaging her left hand from the bite she suffered. "I'm not letting you out until you calm down!" She shouted as she turned her back to the captive kamrai and walked over to the table with the potion. Ga'Ja's eyes followed her and a series of "Mmghfmfhms!!" Escaped from under the gag as she watched the witch fiddle with the potion. Shakti stared blankly at the Kamrai as she held the potion. "What? Why the hell do you want this thing so bad? It's just a little green vial!" Shakti yelled as she held the glowing substance in her hand before freezing completely. Ga'Ja brought her head up and looked at the woman "Mmgfhrm?" She asked blinking as Shakti sat down on the table and studied the bottle.

"Ummm..Ga'Ja? I'm not certain but I think this is a love potion." Shakti said taking her hat off.

"Mmht.." Ga'Ja replied which translated from gag-talk meant "shit."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 5

Chapter 5: In which our heroines truly meet each other, and yet more havoc is brought forth

Etah like so many others in the vast empire had always showed reluctance at even mentioning the names of the Thousand gods who watched over the land, let alone curse them for the games they played with mortals. Yet the halfling couldn't resist and as he darted out of the bar he cursed Kagan Of-the-hidden-heart for not only ruining his already miserable evening but cursing him with the ears of an ass. And what's more the halfling decided to curse all the gods for making him live in squalor, making the Begger's guild such a group of uptight arses, putting shiny green potions on the bodies of dead mercenaries, and for Kamrai women and their seducing ways. He might have added bad bars, bad bouncers, and drunken witches to his curses, but sadly he could no longer think about anything but his blood spilling out of him from the dagger that had been tossed into his torso.
Ingrid stepped out of the shadows and studied the dying halfling with his odd new ears. "Take him he should have za potion." She whispered as two assassins darted out from the shadows surrounding the Slobbering Griffin and searched all over the dying halfling. Etah did not protest this, nor did he offer any resistance. He knew he'd die in the city in some violent way or another, and with his cloudy mind instead decided to reflect about his childhood country home, and try to die with that though. "He doesn't have it mistress." One of the Assassins said and Ingrid nodded before walking over to the halfling. "It's inside ve have to do it za hard way." She said before opening her mouth, and lowering it down on the halfling's neck. She hated to waste blood.

Ga'Ja calmly collected herself and with one last punch in the balls stepped away from her final bouncer. "Show's over, pack up, go home." Ga'Ja said to the crowd who could only looked shocked that the orange hellion could do that much damage. Shakti herself was rather impressed herself, both at the amazing show before her, and the green potion she now held in her hand. She was too drunk to realize how she got it, but too aware to just toss it away. After all she was a witch, and witches knew how valuable potions could be. "I need that." A familar voice said interrupting her thoughts and Shakti jumped a little before looking up and seeing the ball of furry fury standing a few inches from her. Shakti was rightfully nervous of this woman who not 5 minutes ago had gone through a whole group of bouncers without any strain, but she was also oddly fascinated with the exotic creature that stood in front of her.

"Fuck you it's mine." Shakti said firmly and brought the potion to her impressive clevage. It wasn't what she wanted to say(what she wanted to say was "pretty") but it just annoyed her to no end that somebody was attempting to steal something that she now owned. Ga'Ja moved up to her "Please give me the potion." The Kamrai said trying to take the edge off her voice and not doing a very good job of it. Ga'Ja hated sounding like a bitch, but when one begins the evening almost being drowned by an angry mob boss, one gets stressed. Shakti didn't budge though and instead shut her eyes and started to whisper some chant which was making her hands glow red. "Great a witch." Ga'Ja said to herself as she prepared to strike quick, and finish quick.
Instead of beating the witch half to death though, Ga'Ja did something odd. She looked at a reflection in the bottles behind the counter, saw the perfect image of a figure with a crossbow, and proceeded to do the truly insane thing of putting herself right in front of the witch, and taking the small, dart-like bolt right into her tummy.

Shakti needless to say was shocked at this moment, and for a second sat without moving as she watched the cat-girl get up and pull the bolt out. Then she saw the figures in black moving towards her, weapons drawn. Shakti tossed her drink away, put her potion back in her pocket, and brought her hands up "Gaga Rend!" Shakti shouted as she shot out balls of flame towards the assassins..which due to Shakti's drunkness, and already horrible aim merely missed the attackers and instead lit a curtain up..which bursted into flames. "Shite." Shakti said as one of the assassins moved towards her, and proceeded to get a katana driven right into his mid-section. Ga'Ja stood up on shaky legs and let out a ragged breath "Can I have the potion now?" The catgirl asked before another assassin charged behind her and was met with her elbow to his face and her sword cutting through his neck.
Shakti still shook her head no and the catgirl shrugged "Then we need to get out of here and I can kill you later." She said weakly and Shakti could tell there was more than just bloodloss effecting the woman, it was poison. Shakti in her stupor nodded shoved her hat back on her head again and gulped as she saw the circle of assassins surrounding them at the bar.

Ga'Ja was out of it, shadows, and voices happened to be all she heard yet she still clung to her katana tightly. "You are quite brave verecat." An accented voice called out and Ga'Ja gulped recognizing that voice as belonging to somebody she'd rather always avoid. "Let me show you how brave I am whore! Come and get me!" She roared as loud as she could and for a second Ga'Ja could see the shadows move up on her. The Kamrai shut her eyes and sighed, knowing full well this was how she would die. Ga'Ja then charged with her blade....and for some reason she felt as if she was floating, and all she could see was darkness.

Shakti had suffered from many awkward teleportations in her life, from getting warped to a dung pit, to being warped into the bathing chambers of a Sultan's harem, but this one took the cake. Shakti was sitting with her legs sprawled in her apartment, and between the legs was the female Kamrai who was out like a light. Shakti groaned feeling the awkwardness of the girl's head so close to her private regions, and slowly began to stand up. Shakti looked at the form in front of her and wondered what had posessed her to teleport some violent, homicidal weretiger into her apartment. And then she had to admit to herself one thing "She saved my life" and that was all it took for Shakti to feel the need to return the favor.

Not that she was going to just toss the cat-girl on her bed and hope for the best. No first she'd need her potions, and then she'd need some chains..unless she wanted to have her head torn off.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 4

Chapter 4: Ye Olde Barfight

They stood outside in the shadows, swords bared, crossbows ready, and wills set to murder. They dressed themselves in the dark robes, leather armor, and shadowy masks of assassins and at this moment they waited for the orders that would allow them to spill blood. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long as the figure stepped out of the darker reaches of the alley, almost as if she was one with the shadows herself. Her skin was pale and cold, her eyes blazed the colour red, her black hair hung down in dreadlocks over her shoulders, and a tattoo of a red wold was planted right under her left eye. Her red leather armor clung tightly to her with holes cut out that exposed a good deal of her clevage, and her bare curvy tummy. "Vell brothers ve are ready." She said smiling, exposing her sharp canines. She was Ingrid Du'Lac, assassin, mercenary, and vampire..and dealing death was always something she enjoyed. Her human companions nodded silently, put their masks on and made their way to the Slobbering Griffin.

Etah was sitting in a booth off near the smoke-filled back of the bar, nursing his flagon of mead and thinking. He certaintly was prepared for the tiger-striped vision carrying a pint of ale with her. "Hi stranger..what are you doing all alone?" Ga'Ja asked seductively as she lapped a little at her ale with her tongue. Etah looked confused, and bewildered at this exotic woman cozying up to him and the little halfling gulped. "I'm uhh..needin' alone time marm." He said as his voice cracked and Ga'Ja laughed before leaning across the table and showing the halfling a good deal of her chest. "You know I think halflings are cute..and halfling men are very exotic." Ga'Ja said with a bubbly voice as she curled her head hair around in her clawed fingers "And you know how kamrai girls get when they see somethin' they like." She said just about whispering as she leaned her face so close to the halfling. Etah gulped again, tried to think of unpleasant thoughts(Ghoul women on a cold day) and took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry..but I'd rather be alone." He said firmly and pulled his flagon closer to him.
Ga'Ja stared at the halfing for a few seconds, cocked her head, and with a lightening quick motion slammed his head into the table. "POTION. NOW." She said growling as she smooshed his head against the table. Ga'Ja didn't like being forced to do this, but the damn halfling just didn't want the nice and easy way, and as a result forced the cat-girl to get testy. "Ahem" A voice called from behind Ga'Ja and she turned around to see six human bouncers, led by a large annoyed looking troll. "Ma'am can we step outside." The troll said firmly and Ga'Ja released Etah's head, and the halfing started to wobble away into the bar. Ga'Ja stood up watched the woozy halfling stumble away, and sighed to herself "Alright..which one of you first." She said to the bouncers eyes half shut.

"An' then she' walke' awa'! My hear' jus' breakin'!!" Shakti said sobbing into her mug at the counter "I jus' wann' die!" The drunken witch said as she let out another hiccup and giggled to herself. "Shak you've had enough." The bartender said taking her mug away "He'! I'll tel' ya' wen' I ha' enouh'!!" Shakti replied balling her fists up before falling off her barstool. Which was actually lucky considering that a large troll was flying right over where she was sitting a milisecond ago before crashing into the bottles behind the bar. "Shite.." Shakti said as she struggled to stand up and look in the direction where the troll had come from. What she and most other screaming bar patrons could see was quite a sight. A barely clothed orange, and black ball of fists, elbows, knees, and joint locks that at this moment was thrashing most of the bouncers of the bar.
One bouncer came from the left at the cat-girl only to have her dodge his strike without thought, grab his elbow, and snap it with a horrible crunch, before kneeing him in the face five times. Another one kicked at her which she blocked with her left leg before spinning around and planting a vicious elbow in the back of his head. It was vicious, and considering what she was doing unarmed one could only think about what she could do if she ever used that katana clinging to her.

Shakti was in such a stupor, and so frozen by the site of this fight that it took hera few more seconds than usual to realize somebody was groping her bum. "He' wha' the bloody hel'?!" She spun her head and saw some little halfling dart away from her and start to run off. "Oh no ya don' ya dumb gobshite! Geda Ranta!" She shout and her hand blasted out a streak of purple energy that hit the halfling right on the back, causing donkey ears to sprout off his head. "That'll learn ya bastar'." Shakti said as the halfling ducked out of the bar. Shakti turned back to watch the fight and she winced when the cat-girl drove her knee straight into one bouncer's groin.

She had no idea that the little halfling had shoved a green, glowing potion right into her back skirt pocket.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 3

Chapter 3: Chases, switches, confusion

(Quick note: The song excerpts at the end are taking from "If I should fall from Grace with God" by the Pogues. If your asking why I used the Pogues for this music, it's because their music is a lot more cooler than some dull fantasy folk song.)

Etah ducked into the alley, leaned his head out to check the cobblestone streets, and convinced that he was no longer being followed allowed himself to take a short breather. 76 years was still young in Halfling years, but when you spend 65 of those years living on the street you learn a few things. And at this moment sitting against the wall the halfling begger in his tattered, filthy rags reflected on one of the things he learned in his many on the streets. When you find a whole company of underworld goons riddled with arrows you should run away, and not attempt to go through their pockets. The halfling thought about this and nodded that doing that would be a very idiotic decision, and the fool who brought this on himself deserved the painful death that awaited him.
Of course Etah couldn't explain to himself why he seemed to ignore his better judgement, go through the pockets of one goon, and pilfer the large glowing vial that he now held in his hand. It was a conundrum, and the halfling decided that he'd need to meditate on what to do over a stiff drink at his favorite tavern "The Slobbering Griffin."

It is said that the Kamrai sense of smell is only second to the mighty Werewolves of the north, and their skill at tracking, and ambushing is the best in all the land. A Kamrai is not considered a full adult until they succeed on their first hunt, and are expected to wait for possibly a week or more out in the wild to find the perfect game. All of this meant that so far Ga'Ja was having a fairly easy time tracking down Morgana's prize. First she visited the scene of the attack, figured that one of the attackers was a halfling(odd that a halfling would have been used in a hit) and that the halfling was heading straight into the Merchant's district with it's mazes of shops, and back alleys.
Ga'Ja was not worried though, in fact she smiled to herself as she leap gracefully from roof to roof. Threaten the little twerp, fetch the potion back, get away from Morgana and her cronies, and find some other job. In a second though Ga'Ja's train of thought was interrupted as she picked up a wiff of the halfling's scent(and urghh other scents) from only a few feet away. Ga'Ja stopped in her tracks crouched down on the rooftop, and saw the short and portly figure of the stinky halfling woddle into a bar. Ga'Ja smiled again and touched her side making sure the katana she favored was still strapped down and steathed.

Shakti had kept her promise to herself and had gotten drunk enough to forget least for a few hours. She'd arrived in the "Slobbering Griffin" about three hours ago, and she lost count of how many drinks she'd had about two mugs back. Indeed Shakti was so drunk that at this moment she was dancing on a table with a mug of ale in each hand, and singing a song that she just barely remembered from her childhood.

"Bury me at sea
Where no murdered ghost can haunt me
If I rock upon the waves
No corpse can lie upon me

It's coming up three boys
Keeps coming up three boys
Let them go down in the mud
Where the rivers all run dry"

She was so caught up in the song that she failed to notice two new people creeping into the bar. One a halfling who's eyes darted back and forth nervously, and the other an exotic tiger-stripped woman who for a few seconds actually stared at the drunken witch.

Indeed Ga'Ja was staring at Shakti with a slight smile, for she too had remembered that song. And as Ga'Ja moved through the bar she started singing the same song to herself.

"If I should fall from grace with god
If I'm buried 'neath the sod
And still the angels won't receive me

Let me go boys
Let me go boys
Let me go down in the mud
Where the rivers all run dry"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tales of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes: Part 2

Chapter 2: An offer she can't refuse

Morgana wrapped the purple and black kimono tighter around her, and let out another whispered dark-elf curse as her hench-Ork Fatimah took her sweet time. Here they happened to be at night on the docks, when they should be attending the local Opera(the performance was "Stelina the Enchantress" Morgana's personal favorite) and Morgana had only herself to blame. She should have skipped buisness for tonight and just gone to the show, but certain people had to be taught a lesson. "Fatimah are you done yet?" Morgana asked and the ork amazon turned to her "Yes mistress, I think we are." She said smiling down at her handiwork. "What do you think Ga'Ja?" The ork asked. "Mggmhmhm!" Came the only reply.

At Fatimah's feet lay a barely clothed exotically beautiful woman, covered head to toe in soft black-and-orange tiger-stripped fur, and sporting red head hair, and a tail.(that at this moment was twitching rapidly) She was a werecat, or as her kind called themselves "Kamrai" and they happened to be known as thieves, soldiers, and rogues without compare. This one was named Ga'Ja, and at this moment she was bound completely with chains, a large weight attached to her legs, and a thin cloth shoved between her fanged mouth.

Morgana stood up and walked over to the captive sighing as she did so. "Ga'Ja I asked a simple task of you. Kill Gorbald Kringore and make it look like an accident." Morgana said almost sorrowfully "And instead you killed him and his entire company of bodyguards..which is causing me a headache." Morgana continued looking down on her captive. Ga'Ja snarled and then shrugged. She could have killed Gorbald like Morgana asked, but after seeing the dozens of women and children he was selling into prostitution, she had to take action.

Morgana backed away and nodded to Fatimah "Very well Ga'Ja.enjoy your swim." the dark elf said coldly as Fatimah lefted the struggling kamrai up who could only "Mmghtrhrmh!!" into her gag and buck in her chains. Morgana closed her eyes and turned her head, she never liked killing an employee, but sometimes things had to be done.

Morgana heard one last squeel from Ga'Ja, and then a loud splash, then she opened her eyes to see a young beardless Dwarf run towards her. "Hosvarth! What in hells are you doing here?" Morgana asked annoyed as the small cloaked figure ran up to her feet, bowed, and looked at her for mercy. "My lady the potion you sent to my Dwarves for protection, it has been...stolen." He said gulping. Morgana looked horrified and for a few brief seconds Hosvarth shut his eyes and waited for the end. Instead though Morgana turned around and faced Fatimah. "Go get her." She said to the tall ork who sighed "Oh hells mistress, these are good clothes." The Ork said before stripping down to her panties, and diving right into the water.

A few minutes later a dripping wet Ga'Ja was sitting on a wooden crate, a cop of hot choclate in her hands, and Hosvarth's robe drapped around her. The Dwarf didn't need it..on account of him being at the bottom of the pier. Morgana sat on a crate in front of Ga'Ja and smiled "Sorry for this dear, but you know how this job is." Morgana said softly. Ga'Ja's green eyes locked on the elf and finally she shrugged "Don't string me along puta, just tell me what you want." The Kamrai said as she drowned the entire mug.

Morgana nodded "Very well Ga'Ja, I need you to track down a potion for me, one that has been lost." She said and Ga'Ka cocked her head "A potion? What type?" the cat-girl asked and Morgana's glare grew more cold "Never you mind, just fetch it for me like a good kitty-cat..and I might not have to force Fatimah to do something unseemly to you." Morgana said meaning every word and Ga'Ja just laughed. "I know you'll hunt me down, torture me, kill my family, and rape my please don't repeat this to me." She said her green eyes narrowing.

"Just give me some imformation on what it looks like and I'll find your stupid potion." Ga'Ja said standing up and tossing the small mug off the pier. "After all it beats getting wet."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tales Of Skatara: Danger, Love-potions, and Tigerstripes Part 1


Chapter 1: Love Stinks when it's someone else's girl

"Me and Paren are getting married, Shakti." The tall raven-haired elf said happily. "That's great Tirana?" Shaki lied as she nervously fidgited with her pointed hat, and bit her lip as she thought of how much she loved, adored and worshipped the shaply raven-haired Elven ranger in front of her. "You will come to the wedding won't you? Everybody else will." Tirana said her voice still in good spirits. "Of course I will Tirana! Your my best friend! I could never forget you." Shakti said as she could hear her own heart breaking.
For six months she'd been on the road with a party of adventurers on a quest to save all of Skatara.(not like anybody thanked them!) They'd traversed dungeons, fought in wars, went through hardship, and discovered what their true characters happened to be made of. Along the way Shakti had become infatiuated with the Elven warrior with her black hair, dark green leather outfit, and wonderful woodsy voice. They shared so many things together, and really they happened to spend the most time together out of all the party. But now Shakti had discovered that the elf was really in love with Paren, the noble Paladin who cared about little else but "the quest!" and "Honour!" both words he liked to shout at any given moment. At hearing this news it took all of Shaki's willpower not to just fall down and least until Tirana left.

A few hours later Shakti finally overcame her sniffles just a bit and sat up on the bed in her loft. It wasn't a large place, merely a small one room apartment overlooking the Magik Quarter of Dalcada, but it had all she needed. Maps, charts, charms, books, scrolls, wands, potions, brooms, bottles of toads, urns full of goblin bones, and numerous other items lay strewn about. 6 months since leaving and her home still looked the same which provided Shakti with a little happiness, if only she could share that happiness with somebody like Tirana.

After another bout of crying though Shakti finally bucked up enough to get off the bed, make sure her tears happened to be dry, and grab her broom. After fixing up her hat(the damn thing always seemed to flop down) patchwork skirt, midriff baring vest, long ripped sleeves(witches had to have them!) and adjusting her leather garters and black and white stripped boots she was finally feeling slightly well enough to go about the town. And maybe crawl into a hole and get really drunk.

"Either that or kill myself." She said half-joking as she sat on her broom and with the chant of "Vena Uday!" rocketed off into the night.